Jesus gives us the power to be thankful.
Bible Story:
WOW! Jesus heals 10 lepers.(Luke 17:11-19)
Catholic ID:
EucharistBible Verse:
"And be thankful."(Colossians 3:15)
Person of Faith:
Jesus gives us the power to help others.
Bible Story:
ZAP! Jesus gives sight to a blind man.(John 9:1-41)
Catholic ID:
Social JusticeBible Verse:
"Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers."(Romans 12:13)
Person of Faith:
Pierre Toussaint
Jesus gives us the power to be brave.
Bible Story:
BAM! Jesus gives Peter courage to walk on water.(Matthew 14:22-33)
Catholic ID:
FortitudeBible Verse:
"I fear no evil; for you are with me."(Psalm 23:4)
Person of Faith:
Dorothy Day
Jesus gives us the power to live forever.
Bible Story:
POW! Jesus dies and rises to new life.(Luke 23:26–24:53)
Catholic ID:
ConversionBible Verse:
"Because I live, you also will live."(John 14:19)
Person of Faith:
Saint Dismas
Jesus gives us the power to tell others about God.
Bible Story:
ZING! The Holy Spirit comes at Pentecost.(Acts 2:1-47)
Catholic ID:
EvangelizationBible Verse:
"Go into all the world and proclaim the Good News to the whole creation."(Mark 16:15)
Person of Faith:
John Paul II