Day 1
God Made Each Of Us And We Are All Special
(Discover Haiti)
Introduce your family to the country of Haiti.
Directions: Locate the country of Haiti on a map and share what you have learned about Haiti with your family. Using the Internet or library, research
facts about Haiti’s culture.
Talk about it:
What are some things that make the country of Haiti special?
In what ways is Haiti different from the United States?

Excerpted from Catholic Relief Services' Operation Rice Bowl Program.
Used with permission. For more information, visit orb.crs.org.

Day 2
All People Are Gifts From God
(Meet the People of Haiti)
Prepare a traditional Haitian recipe with your family.
Directions: Follow the recipe below to make a delicious Haitian meal. Rice and Red Beans (serves 4)
    * 1/2 cup fresh parsley
    * 3 green onions, chopped
    * 3 cloves garlic, minced
    * 1/4 tsp dried thyme
    * 2 tsp salt
    * 3 Tbsp oil
    * 1 cup rice
    * 2 cups cooked or canned kidney beans
    * 1 1/2 cups vegetable broth+
    * 1 cup water
    * 1/2 can Cream of Celery soup
    + 1 cup water or juice from the kidney beans may be substituted for
        vegetable broth.
In a large saucepan, add first 5 ingredients into 3 Tbsp of oil. Heat through and add rice. Brown the mixture slightly for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add beans, broth, and water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and cook until water is absorbed, about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir and serve hot.
Talk about it:
What did you learn about the food in Haiti by making this recipe?
Where did you get the ingredients you needed to make this meal?
Would it be easier or harder to make this meal if you had to grow the ingredients yourself? Why?

Excerpted from Catholic Relief Services' Operation Rice Bowl Program.
Used with permission. For more information, visit orb.crs.org.
Day 3
God Wants All People To Have The Things They Need To Live
(Life in Haiti)
Start a food diary with your family.
Directions: Keep a food diary for one day. Have each member of your family record all of the food they have eaten for one day. Also record the cost of each food item. At the end of the day, add up the costs for each family member. Once you have totaled all of the entries, make a list of the natural resources needed for the food that your family has consumed.
Talk about it:
How would your food diary be different if your family members had to grow, cook, or produce all of the food they eat?
What items in your food diary would you no longer eat if you had to grow the food yourself? Why?

Excerpted from Catholic Relief Services' Operation Rice Bowl Program.
Used with permission. For more information, visit orb.crs.org.

Day 4
God Calls Us To Respect All People
(Working For Change)
Paper Airplanes
Directions: Have one member of your family teach another family member how to make a simple paper airplane. Then have that person teach another family member and continue this activity until everyone in the room has taught someone else how to make a paper airplane.
Talk about it:
How was teaching one another how to make a paper airplane a lesson in cooperation and learning?
How is this activity similar to the work that Catholic Relief Services is doing with the people of Haiti?

Excerpted from Catholic Relief Services' Operation Rice Bowl Program.
Used with permission. For more information, visit orb.crs.org.
Day 5
We Are All One Human Family
(Making Life Better)
Draw a Vegetable Garden with your family.
Directions: Together as a family, make a poster sized drawing of a vegetable garden. Decide the types of vegetables you would like to grow. Using the Internet or library, research the vegetables you have chosen and write down the steps you would need to take to successfully grow your vegetables in your garden. Then, draw your vegetable garden on your poster.
Talk about it:
If the vegetables on your garden poster were real, what are some things you could do with your vegetables once they’ve grown? Write your answers on your poster.
How important was education in creating your vegetable garden? What did you need to learn in order to be successful?

Excerpted from Catholic Relief Services' Operation Rice Bowl Program.
Used with permission. For more information, visit orb.crs.org.